The Mizutsune

introduced in mh Generations as 1 of the flagships, it is part of the fated four and the yukomo village questline.
its appearance is pretty cool and strange at the same time, with his face fins looking like pink petals,
the fur under him producing a soap-like substance, wich will create bubbles, and if these hit you:
you will be inflicted with bubbleblight,making your movement very wacky, but they can also be red or green, wich will give you health and atk up.
he is also one of the most unique leviathans in the series by only fighting on land.
now, lets cover his movepool:

but still he uses the leviathan bites and bodyslams.
and he can now spin around and launch bubbles thanks to the soap like substance.
mizu will also slide and slam his tail down, creating some bubbles.
slide and do a 360* spin to flick his tail at you.
and slide around the arena in a few directions, or basicly right at you.
mizu is also able to launch bubbles from his mouth, where he first spits out 3, waiting a little bit, before launching 2 more.
it's also possible for mizu to fire just 1 big bubble. and other attacks can be comboed after this.
mizu can sometimes also slide to the side whilst firing a water laser.
and swing his tail whilst creating bubbles.
when enraged or exhausted, his fins will turn red and blue respectively.
he can now also launch his big bubble, launch 3 more and launch himself at you.
he can also launch himself at you and spin.
he can also slam his claws, multiple if needed, leaving bubbles.
mizu can also fire his laser in a 180* sweep.

Soulseer Mizutsune
in Gu, he also got a deviant, the Soulseer Mizutsune, wich is blind, and enrages if you touch any of its bubbles.
when you find him, he is most likely asleep, with bubbles surrounding him. and if enraged, he will launch fire bubbles at you.(he also gains a sans eye)
if you touch them, he will wake-up, and instandly enrage.
he can front-flip like zinogre, ending up on his back.
and he can twirl through the air when enraged.

mizu returned in rise, with little changes, and soulseer returned as apex mizu.

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